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Re: [Off-topic] Re: Insults (was: PBS show)
At 05:06 PM 6/14/96 +0100, Derek Bell wrote:
>In message <Pine.3.89.9606140305.A10802-0100000@netcom19>, jonathon writes:
>> Note in passing that both "Baptist" and "Mormon" were
>> originally terms of insult heaped on members of those
>> respective faiths.
> I think "Quaker" had a similar history..
> Derek Bell
I think "hacker, cyberpunk, and phone phreak" are want people think are
insults but me and my friends take them a unthought out complaments.
P.s. who ever sent me mail calling me pokey should stop hiding behind a
remailer, and show yourself, you coward.
Blake "Pokey" Wehlage Age-13 Gaa- 3.69 (for ice hockey goalie)
<[email protected]> My page- http://www.iglou.com/members/jwilk.html
Quote- Does whiskey count as beer? -Homer Simpson