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Re: More info on this?

>>           Lexis-Nexis, one of the nation's leading private 
>>           information brokers, has discontinued a new online 
>>           offering that provided access to 
>>           millions of individuals' Social Security numbers, after an 
>>           onslaught of complaints from customers and the credit 
>>           information bureau that originally supplied the data.  
An article in The NYT Sunday on criminal misuse of stolen and sold SS
numbers says: 
"Such trade in information is legal, and regulation is difficult, perhaps
even more so since a Federal appeals court ruling last week struck down
restrictions and defended the 'chaos and cacophony of the unfettered
speech' on the new medium." 
"The freedom for market aggression is a wisely hidden by the freedom to
 -- Wealth Through Capitalist Anarchy: Friedman's First Amendment