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Re: Remailer Operator Liability?


At 12.58 PM 6/15/96 -0700, Hal wrote:

>I am pretty sure it is illegal, CDA or not, at least if the material
>is obscene rather than merely indecent.  As Declan says, the issue is
>accountability.  If the remailer operator ends up being considered the
>person who sent the mail, he could be in deep trouble.

This is the problem I have with the whole issue. Obviously, since nyms
use reply blocks, the remailer operators that are inside the reply block
have no control over what is sent (PGP-encrypted) through their remailer.

If I was to go out into the city, and tack up some porno on a building,
maybe something where kids walk by, then someone would take it down, most
likely, but there would be no tracing it to me, because I would be already
long gone from the building. We should make the best efforts we can to
make remailers fully anonymous. My ideas are more that accept PGP, and
(has this already been suggested and/or rejected?) automatic chaining.
That is, remailer #1 could automatically encrypt and send to #2, #3, ...
#n before going on to its destination. The number of added remailers and
which were used could be made random. (ie, have a list of remailers and
pick from it each time...) Would this work?

David Rosoff (nihongo o chiisaku dekimasu)  ------------->  [email protected]
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"Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will / To strive, to seek, to find--
and not to yield." <---- "Ulysses", by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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