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MITI began to develop electronic notary system

A small report.


Sun Jun 16 JST 1996,
Nihon Keizai Shinbun (called as "Nikkei" in Japan),
Side: 1

## XURL: X.16Jun1996JST.newspaper:xy//Nikkei/1/x210y0/

# NOTE: [insufficient] translated and summarized by me.
#	[untrusted] ... Because I don't use English very
#	well.  Sorry.  I recommend that you will read a
#	English version of Nikkei Shinbun.

o MITI (Japanese Government's Ministry of International
Trade and Industry) began to develop electronic notary
system with some biggest computer company in Japan;
Hitachi, Nihon I.B.M., NEC and Fujitsu.  Some Japanese
bigger bank (such as Daiichi-Kangyo Bank) will also take
part in it.

o It seems to me (by reading this article) that MITI want
to develop Japan-original technology for the electronic
notary system.

o Milestone of the plan:

 - Misc. preparations for it until the end of 1996.
 - Doing experimental examination in 1997.

# I don't know that 1996/1997 are fiscal year (called
# "(kaikei-)nendo" in Japan) or not.  Japanese fiscal year
# starts April in every year.

o This system will be applied for following term:

 1) submitting of public docments to public offices,
 2) electronic commerce,
 3) electronic publishing,
 4) electronic warehouse service.

o IC card will be used in order to store digital key


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- Tsuyoshi Hayashi <[email protected]>
- PGP public key: http://www.barrier-free.co.jp/take/pgpkey
- (CF 27 34 5B 46 FA 2A 12  D2 4C E3 F7 2A 45 E0 22)
- Barrier Free, Inc. (established on 25 Jan 1996)