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Re: SafE Mail Corporation

What the heck: I'm bored tonight...

Well, not that bored.  Don't need another 'tear snake-oil to bits or 
is this a damned troll' thread.  Why does "M. Wagoner" sound 

On 17 Jun 96 at 17:21, "M.Wagoner" ([email protected]) wrote:

> We would like someone to be able or should I say try and crack our
> encryption. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.
> Our Web site is http://www.sfmc.com  Phone number is 1-800-252-9938.
> Randy Estridge
> SafE Mail Corporation  

Uh oh. I checked the page.  Claimed Public Key, Sigs, Error 
Correction, Compression, lots of nice stuff.   They kind of got the 
vocabulary down. Only in a fuzzy way. Hypes "INTERNET Compatible" is 
if that means anything, a "22 character public key" (no, it's not a 
type.  twenty-two character public key, in several places said that), 
proprietary algorithm, etc. etc.



No-frills sig.
Befriend my mail filter by sending a message with the subject "send help"
Key-ID: 5D3F2E99 1996/04/22 [email protected] (root@magneto)
        AB1F4831 1993/05/10 Deranged Mutant <[email protected]>
Send a message with the subject "send pgp-key" for a copy of my key.