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[Free Beer] Talk on "Can Secrets be Stopped?" at Comp Lit.

After the talk tonight at Computer Literacy, I plan on buying a 
round or two of beers for cypherpunks. It's just a way of saying
"thank you" to the endless stream of information that the list
generates. I don't think I could have written the book without
the help of many on the list. 

The talk begins at Computer Literacy (2590 North First Street at
the corner of Trimble) at 6:30. It will cover some simple ways
to hide information (steganography) and it will be given at a 
very general level. The bookstore invited me to give the talk
to flog my book "Disappearing Cryptography." (For info about
the book, check out my web page http://access.digex.net/~pcw/pcwpage.html

The beer begins flowing at the Tide House after the talk and questions.
This is the Tide House at 65 North San Pedro at San Pedro Square
in downtown San Jose. They inform me that they offer validated
parking at some garage next door. 

The password for the evening will be "swordfish". I've gotten
to know some list members over the years via email and it would
be nice to meet you in person. 

For more information, call the bookstore at 408-435-5015. I would
also appreciate it if you could email me so I could get a preliminary
head count. Feel free to come at the last minute, but try and
send some notice.

-Peter Wayner