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PhillNoise: Re: Those Evil Republicans
"Dr." Hallam-Baker <[email protected]>
["but I don't think that I would ever let him cut on me." - sorry Jimmy]
>Newts idea of giving laptops to homeless people is not a
>solution for poverty.
Agreed, any more than is Willie's subsidizing illegitimacy, despite his oft-
proven love for sex-without-responsibility.
>Given the experience of derregulating Savings and Loans institutions I don't
>think the country could survive another round of deregulation.
This is so moronic it could only come from Hallam. For you, "deregulation"
means doubling the government's liability, as happened when that space-
cadet (really!) Garn and that crook Fernand St. Germain raised the payout
from 50 to 100 thousand. Yeah, Phill, that really deregulated 'em...
>As Reagan said
>"Gentlemen we've hit the jackpot" - and of course they had, S&L was not a
>fiasco for certain people, just for the poor taxpayers.
Certainly not for that crook Cranston, either. There's a reason 4 of the
Keating 5 were Democrats, Phill. They were and are even more for sale than
the Republicans. Political history, even recent, isn't your strong suit,
and your pity for taxpayers is touching, if a bit recent.