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Re: Noise: Re: Those Evil Republicans
[email protected] wrote:
> Similarly your point about government control of currency is somewhat puzzling.
> Are you arguing that we are less prosperous today than we were in the 1920's?
> If so that would be a somewhat curious argument which you will no doubt
> share with us. The only modern country I know of which does not control its
> currency is Lichenstein which uses the Swiss Franc,
There are dozens - Jersey, Isle of Man, Andorra, ...
> I'm not sure what lessons
> can be learnt from a country whose chief ecconomic activities are gambling
> and facilitating tax evasion however.
Ever heard of Goodhearts law? (something along the lines of
"efforts to regulate something will result in it moving somewhere
pub 1024/C001D00D 1996/01/22 Gary Howland <[email protected]>
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