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Re: MS-Mail Security

On Thu, 27 Jun 1996 [email protected] wrote:

>  In> I would like to gather informations of whether the MS-Mail server
>  In> is  secure or not, is anyone heard of somebody, say, disguise as other
>  In> user  or read other user e-mail?
> I'd also like to know how secure the MS-Mail files are (*.mmf). They are
> password protected and should be encrypted but does anybody know how
> secure? 

We have worked extensively with MS Mail and providing integrated crypto
features for the product.  The native security on the files is provided in
two ways:  1)  The usually poor MS "scrambling" (it's not really crypto),
and 2) The discretionary access controls (DAC) of the OS.  Since only NT
has decent DAC (which only works at a C2 level of trust when it's not on a
network), my opinion of the risk level would be "VERY HIGH" against
threats of repudiation, loss of confidentiality, loss of availability, and
loss of integrity. 

Further, the I&A mechanisms in everything other than a stand-alone NT
environment are inadequate for any real proof of identity.  They most
certainly can't offer anything close to a real non-repudiation solution.
Forging a "from" header into the database is, I would contend, fairly
simple.  Reading someone else's mail is a bit harder, but not incredibly
difficult.  If traditional hacking doesn't work, building a hacking tool
using MAPI (widely available API to the mail subsystem) would be fairly
straight-forward (Hmmmmm - Summer vacation programming project???). 

|Just as the strength of the Internet is  |Mark Aldrich                 |
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