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Dole does Bush-speak [Was:Re: A Libertine Question]


Vinnie Moscaritolo <[email protected]> wrote:

>I think Bob Dole understands the needs for privacy rights for animals..
>the following verbatim account of a segment of a Bob Dole appearance a week
>or so ago at a cotton cooperative in Bakersfield, California

[Verbatim Account elided.]

Is anyone else wondering if Dole's handlers are dosing him with that
"Halcyon" stuff that (partially) caused Bush to be such an easy mark
for David Letterman et al.? We have a *severe* drug problem in this

I tell you...one little mishap involving a little bit too much sugar,
and now I'll _never_ get to live it down...:) Those wishing to attend
my "Pennies For Perot" Party at Hooters in Cocowalk, at 6:00PM, on
Saturday, August 3rd please e-mail me.

Idea: Wiretap citizen-unit Ray for 47 hours and 59 minutes, give him
one minute of non-surveilance (more than he deserves, actually) and
then repeat process, with no pesky judges. Citizen-unit Ray is known
to enjoy firearms, and has said "It's easier to make a bomb than it
is to make a lasagna" in the past. He's also a known cardcarrying
member of the Libertarian Party.
JMR  -- Who privately defends Mr. Sternlight's (or anyone's) right
to cypherpunks list _membership_, while alternately being offended
and amazed by the tone/number of his trolls. Try to imagine if _I_
posted that often...This kind of misunderstanding of Libertarians
is usually caused by a subscription to Time, etc. -- rather than a
careful listening to Libertarians themselves, but believe whatever
you want.

Regards, Jim Ray -- DNRC Minister of Encryption Advocacy
 [The Ministry is An equal opportunistic encryptor.]

"Big business never pays a nickel in taxes, according to Ralph
 Nader, who represents a big consumer organization that never
 pays a nickel in taxes." -- Dave Barry 

 Defeat the Duopoly! Vote "NOTA," not Slick/Dull in November.
 Harry Browne for President. Jo Jorgensen for Vice-president.
PGP id.E9BD6D35 51 5D A2 C3 92 2C 56 BE  53 2D 9C A1 B3 50 C9 C8
<mailto:[email protected]> http://www.shopmiami.com/prs/jimray Coming
soon, the "Pennies For Perot" page. Keep billionaires off welfare!

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Freedom isn't Freeh.
