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Re: Jim Bell, stay out of Georgia....

At 02:35 PM 8/1/96 EDT, E. ALLEN SMITH wrote:

>>Anarchist charged with advocating government overthrow
>>   JONESBORO, Ga. -- An 18-year-old self-styled anarchist who allegedly
>>   distributed a free, homemade pamphlet with anti-government rhetoric
>>   has been charged with advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Boy some people have all the luck.  It is really rough to get the
authorities to arrest you in circumstances where you can make them look
absolutely ridiculous.  They usually refuse to play.  I suppose they busted
this guy because they thought they could in the current atmosphere and they
figured he's a schlubb who wouldn't give them any grief.

It would not be a pleasant experience for the geheime staats polizei to try
an arrest like this of someone who was capable of mounting a verbal and
legal defense.

"We Shall Overcome," "You copraphageous cretins," "Haven't you
<anglo-saxonism> idiots read Cohen vs. California,"  "I think if you mental
defectives read the Supremes in the Smith Act cases you'd find that I can
advocate blowing you <anglo-saxonism> up all I like as long as I am not part
of an immediate conspiracy to do so."  Do you *like* carrying 300-pound
people around?  Why should I assist in my own oppression by walking?  You
Nazis are always trying to get the Jews to *walk* into the gas chambers."
"You know you're going to have to let me loose sooner or later so why not
make it sooner.  It will be easier on everyone."  "You know the DA is going
to dismiss.  This dog don't hunt.  Won't you look like right fools."  "It's
going to be super fun to have you on the witness stand in the false arrest
suit.  It's going to be great to get the chance to cross-x you in public."
"Boy, finally a chance to build up some prison time for my memoirs."
"Great, I've really needed some quality time to catch up on my reading.
I've still got 13 Aubrey/Maturin novels to finish."

Repeat endlessly in a loud voice. 

Brian -- why do the cops do busts like this where they know they will be
thrown out?