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Getting serious: Crypto CD
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To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Mon Aug 05 10:43:16 1996
Dear Sirs
I want to put together a CDROM containing "everything" a cryptographically
interested person needs. I would like to include your cryptographically
relevant products.
The CD will be organized the following way:
- - the user interface consists of HTML-pages
- - one of these pages will include a directory of files
- - one directory entry will be your product (whatever you prefer as a name)
and leads to a page/pages of your design.
- - you can use a directory named after your company (but in compliance with
CDROM restrictions -> 8 letters, no special chars, i.e. "mycompny" or so)
and any subdirectories you want.
- - binary program space is restricted to 25 MB
- - html space is restricted to 1 MB
Dos and Donts:
- - program limitations (stuff you only get when you register/buy the full
product) must be declared.
- - export/usage restrictions must be declared (US/nonUS)
Further info:
The CD will be sold at around USD 15 (including shipment)
Seperate advertisment (html pages and graphics) can be made for USD 50.-
per page (<200K). A link on the index page will be included.
- - This CD will be mastered and shipped outside US, so whatever you send us
(if you send it from outside US) will not be affected by ITAR.
- - The copyright will remain in your hands, you only grant Pini Computer
Trading (PCT) the permission to duplicate and distribute the content on
a CDROM and, should we choose to do so, on the internet.
- - The legality of your content is your responsiblity.
If you are interested, mail me...
Sincerely yours,
Remo Pini
Pini Computer Trading
PS: This message may have been forwarded by anyone. If you receive it
several times, ignore the redundant mails.
PSS: This message may be forwarded to anyone offering a cryptographically
relevant product. (-> forward ahead, cypherpunks)
- --------< fate favors the prepared mind >--------
Remo Pini [email protected]
PGP: http://www.rpini.com/remopini/rpcrypto.html
- ------< words are what reality is made of >------
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