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"Eternity service" paper request
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue Aug 06 20:53:31 1996
A couple of weeks ago Hal mentioned Ross Anderson's Eternity
Service paper (URL: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk:80/users/rja14/#Lib).
As Hal described it at the time:
>The goal of the Eternity service is to make published information
>permanently and ineradicably available, despite efforts on the part of
>powerful attackers to destroy it. The attack model explicitly
>includes governments. This has obvious relevance to current
>controversies involving copyright, trade secrets, etc.
[. . . .]
>Anderson's basic concept is of a network of storage servers in widely
>scattered jurisdictions. He uses cryptography so that although the
>servers store data, no single computer knows exactly what is stored in
>the encrypted files it holds. Keys to the data are spread across the
>network using secret sharing techniques, with mutual cooperation among
>the servers being necessary to decrypt files. (I believe the files
>themselves are redundantly stored on individual servers, but they are
>encrypted with keys which are split.) Anonymous communications are
>used among the network of computers to reply to requests, so that
>attackers can't tell which computer produced a requested document.
At the time I thought this sounds quite interesting and filed the
information away for a time when I would have an opportunity to
get the paper and read it. I finally created that opportunity
recently only to find the paper at the above URL in a format I have
a *lot* of difficulty reading. I'm a little embarrassed to ask such a
thing, but does anyone know a location where this paper resides in
plain-vanilla ASCII?
Many thanks.
"The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the
destruction of the truth." -- Bill Clinton, Oct. 15, 1995
at the University of Connecticut.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Allen [email protected]
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