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On Wed, 7 Aug 1996 [email protected] wrote:

> In 1981, the city of Kennesaw, GA suffered 17 violent crimes and 55 
> burglaries. 
> In 1982, Kennesaw passed an ordinance requiring all city residents to own a 

	Said ordinance being passed, as a protest against Elk Grove, IL
	passing an orinance, banning handguns.  Anybody know when Elk
	Grove revoked their ordinance?  Crime went down for six months
	there [ Elk Grove ] after the ban was passed, then it went up
	--- far surpassing previous crime levels, for all types of


        [email protected]

	Illiterate: adj.  Inability to read write or speak five 
	or fewer languages.
	Funksioneel Ongeleerd:  a.  Die wat kon nee elf or meer tale 
	lees, skryf and gesprek.