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Re: Imprisoned for Not Having a Gun?

On Thu, 8 Aug 1996, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> I can't find the exact quote, but Will Rogers quipped that every
> time Congress made a law, it was a joke.  And every time Congress
> made a joke it was a law.  The town near Morton Grove was not
> making a real requirement that every household have a gun, they
> were just making a joke at Morton Grove's expense.  In addition
> to the "exceptions," there was no penalty for violation of the
> law, thus making sure it was unenforceable.  It was not a case
> of "pro-gun fascism" but of rough American political humor.  At
> the very least it kept the city council out of more serious 
> mischief.

    This is very similiar to the law (federal I believe) which states 
that you must report any 'computer crimes' to the authorities.  There are 
no punishments and it was obviously crafted to be more of a means of 
counting the crimes than solving them.  If anyone is interetes, I will 
get the specifics.

                      [ Bruce M. - Feist Systems, Inc. ]
     "Official estimates show that more than 120 countries have or are 
      developing [information warfare] capabilities." -GAO/AIMD-96-84
                         So, what is your excuse now?