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Re: Why should we trust the system?

[email protected] (Anonymous) writes:
> Further, my original question, phoned in anonymously to the FBI,
> mailed in anonymously to this list, and asked to the media (I
> guess I like wasting my time) has never been either asked or
> answered. I will restate it in stronger terms:
> "Why the hell, when you have a tape of the perp. saying something,
> do you not air it in the middle of a city chock full of people
> who could very well know this guy's voice/mannerisms?" Why didn't
> the media ask for it, and then give the answer (the fibbieclerk
> had no answer at all for me) the FBI gave?? Am I missing something?
> We hear 911 tapes ALL THE TIME of various stuff happening. Has the
> FBI suddenly become a bunch of civil liberties activists WRT the

I noticed it too and had a conjecture that the caller said something
politically incorrect which they didn't want aired: like "Fuck
Janet Rhyno".


<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM</a>
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps