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Nyms I'd vote for


Rich Graves <[email protected]> wrote:

>On Fri, 9 Aug 1996, John F. Fricker wrote:
>> #3) The goal is the anonymous citizen. The first step it to secure
>> #the data
>> currently exposed. Can this be done _without_ legislation?
>I disagree with this goal. The anonymous consumer/worker, yes; the
>public has no business knowing what I as an economic actor buy, read,
>and think. If I choose to participate fully in the political system,
>though, in ways that go beyond votes and petty contributions to
>others' campaigns, the public has an interest in my identity and
>biases. Anonymous voices can and should be heard, and they can and
>should be influential at times, but they don't get to run for office.

[Rant -- you touched a sore spot here, Rich.]
And I disagree with Rich, at least in regard to the present system. 

My "representative," is Ileanna Ros Lehtinen (R.). No Democrats have
chosen to run against her, and the Demopublican's beloved ballot laws
prevent me from running and actually getting on the ballot. I would
GLADLY vote for either Lucky Green or Black Unicorn if these nyms were
running against this statist woman, but I am not given that (or any
other) choice by the state. She has already "won" the "election," and
thus will NOT APPEAR on the ballot. The state of Florida assumes that
I would rather not vote for None Of The Above [NOTA], and my state is,
once again, wrong. The Florida Supreme Court is carefully ignoring the
Constitution(s) they all swore to uphold in these cases, and I am
trying to use any medium I can to trumpet this fact, so that solutions
like Mr. Bell's (yes, Jim, I know you have one for this, too) don't
start sounding better and better.  <sigh> :(
[End Rant]

P.S. Lucky & Uni: don't worry, I plan to [try to] write in "Jim Ray." 

Regards, Jim Ray -- DNRC Minister of Encryption Advocacy

"Ray's corrolary to Murphy's Law: 'You will be spared NOTHING.'" -- 
P. C. Ray (my dad)

 Defeat the Duopoly! Vote "NOTA," not Slick/Dull in November.
 Harry Browne for President. Jo Jorgensen for Vice-president.
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<mailto:[email protected]> http://www.shopmiami.com/prs/jimray Coming
soon, the "Pennies For Perot" page. Keep billionaires off welfare!

Version: 2.6.2
