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Re: Rumors of death of Anguilla Data are greatly exagerated.

Timothy C. May writes:
> Selling fake passports seems not to be something Vince ought to even be
> paying attention to. Granted, pressure from outside states may put pressure
> on Vince, but this actually confirms my worst (OK, _nearly_ my worst)
> suspicions about the viability of such data havens.

Vince has the right to run his business any way he likes.

In some jurisdictions, "Fake" passports are legal. In some, they are
illegal. Vince feels that in his jurisdiction they are illegal. He has
every right to decide who to allow to run off of his web servers --
even to be arbitrary about it.

Vince has made it very clear that he is NOT a data haven. Anguilla is
a TAX HAVEN. That is, if you are selling copies of some software over
the net or what have you, and you run the business out of Anguilla,
you are not liable for any Anguillian taxes because there are none.

Anguilla is *not* a data haven, drug haven, or any other sort of
haven. I would have thought that Vince made this clear.
