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Re: National Socio-Economic Security Need for Encryption Technology

Timothy May writes (with tongue firmly in cheek):
> At 10:31 PM 8/11/96, Bart  Croughs wrote:
> >         But there is another axiom of economics which the
> >nationalist/socialist can use for his case against the free movement of
> >capital. This axiom states that the wages of workers depend on the amount
> >of capital invested. The more capital invested, the higher the wages are.
> >If American
> I agree strongly. In my Econ 101 class, lo those many years ago, I was
> constantly reminded to "Remember the Croughs Axiom!"
> It is why MacDonald's workers, who work at a company which has invested
> truly vast sums of money in the capital of its outlets, pays its workers so
> much more than do the legal firms, advertising firms, etc., which have
> invested almost nothing in the capital of their facilities.
> This is why so many lawyers choose to move into hamburger flipping. In
> fact, the lawyer who won the "hot coffee" lawsuit is now a Milkshake
> Trainee at the East Outback, Wisconsin MacDonalds.
> "Would you like fries with that?"

Of course, it might work in the Macro realm:

Large amounts of capital are suddenly invested in the previously underfunded
Internet.  Sudden demand for scarce TCP/IP specialists sends salaries
soaring, causing Federal Reserve to tighten credit in fear of inflation };->

Worked for me ...

The Checkered Daemon			       	  [email protected]

Delirium:  There must be a word for it ... the thing that lets you know that
	   TIME is happening.  IS there a word?
Sandman:   CHANGE.
Delirium:  Oh.  I was AFRAID of that.