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Read; NOW
Hi I'm Unix Code and have a few things to ask...(it may not go with
Cryptography but go ahead and read)
[Bill Gates]
What is wrong with him? I don't see any thing bad about him, instead I see
the guy who helped the best computer system of all become the most used
around the world. PC's. If he weren't here then probobly we'd be using Macs
Instead, OR that we may be using a PC, But it's Super Expensive. I don't
understand.. why people are so mad at him. Now... I may get tons of letters
saying that you're wrong, and that he sux. But think about it. (I may also
want to add..that the
most known drink in at least [hacking] is jolt Cola
(http://www.joltcola.com), and ya know what.... he drinks it too.
[AOL and others]
**NOTE: When I mention AOL..I mean all of the online services.
I know I know... this is probobly going to be the most stupidest thing in
the world...but I'm going to say it. Alot of people hate AOL because of the
money you have to pay.. or people hate Prodidgy, CompuServe, etc. But lets
put money aside.. (even though it's a big issue.) AOL is actually [with out
the money] a great service. It has a 3.0 web browser which supports frames.
It has great Libraries of software. Great Chat Rooms. Great Hackers. Great
People. And it is a great atmusphere. and great [places.] Its money that's
the problem.
Either you are a hacker, general user, or cryptography person, or a curious
user who wants to know alot of stuff from the advanced minds reading this
mailinglist. so lets put it straight. A hacker is a person who can get arund
the software. I am a hacker. I rate classes of hackers from A to F.
A - Person who can get around the software, knows how to use it
destructively, has hacked more than 10 times, has no care for family, and
has a bad temper, never gets out of the house, and drinks jolt cola more
than 5 times a day.
B - Person who can get around the software, knows how to use it destructively,
has hacked more than 5 times, has a bad temper, rarely gets out, and drinks
jolt cola more than 5 times a day.
C - Person who can get around the software, knows how to use it destructively,
has hacked more than 3 times, has a bad temper, gets out twice a week,
drinks jolt cola more than 3 times a day, and has a family.
D - Person who can get around the software, knows how to use it destructively,
has hacked 1 time, has a farely bad temper, gets out for work, drinks jolt
cola more than 5 times a day, has an income, has a family.
E - Person who can get around the software, Person who can get around the
software, knows how to use it destructively, has hacked never hacked, has a
controled temper, gets out for work and family, drinks jolt cola more than 3
times a day, has an income,and has a family.
F - Person who can get around the software, has a controled temper, gets out
for work and family, drinks jolt cola , has an income, and has a family.
Z - Person who can get around the software, knows how to use it
destructively, has hacked never hacked anything big, has a bad temper, gets
out for family, drinks jolt cola more than 3 times a day, has no income, has
a family, goes to school, stays on the computer forever.
I am a Class Z Hacker. MayBe alot of people won't thinka hacker is Kevin
Mitnick, but instead... Bill Gates.
3-D by UC (Sux.. but I don't care!)
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