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Re: (Off Topic) Re: FCC_ups
At 02:34 AM 8/12/96 -0400, Rabid Wombat wrote:
> Anyone that wants to carry a large volume of traffic via the 'net will
> find that either the market will dictate that they pay for the bandwidth
> they use, or the FCC will. I don't see the FCC getting involved, unless
> the "phone service via internet" providor tries to use the courts to get
> out of paying for the bandwidth they use.
Bandwidth costs almost nothing, unless you are doing full motion
What is expensive is cutting that bandwidth up into little pieces
and delivering those pieces to the people who want to use it at
the time that they want to use it.
Thus those who retail bandwidth will have the bulk of the revenue,
rather than those who wholesale it.
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and our property, because of the kind |
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derives from this right, not from the |
arbitrary power of the state. | [email protected]