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Re: Hoax: A ban on cryptography?

The "hoax" is a dramatization of possible legislation based on the 
language used in Di Fi's anti-bomb-making-rhetoric legislation proposed 
and passed in the Senate.

I posted that bill, and asked the list if anyone knew the status.  Tim 
May responded with the dramatized crypto version and asked "What is the 
status of _this_ bill" [emphasis added] .... and if I interpret 
correctly, the intent was

1. to chide
2. to dramatize

What if that WERE a bill being proposed??

David Kennedy wrote:
> My mailer thinks the e$pam list pulled this from cypherpunks:
> >>                                             S.1666
>  Department of Commerce Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997 (Passed by the
>  Senate) <<
> And this is bogus, and as far as I can tell not a typo, it's complete hokum.
> S.1666 is an obscure bill about courts in Utah.
> A search of http://thomas.loc.gov on "encryption" reveals the expected bills,
> PRO-CODE etc.
> A search for the DoC Authorization Act reveals nothing, as far as I can tell
> this bill has not been drafted let alone passed. I don't know enough about how
> the DoC is funded to know if they get their own Authorization Act or receive
> authorizations piecemeal and by the reconciliation.
> Again, this is bogus.
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