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Re: Police prepare stunning end for high-speed car chases

Timothy C. May wrote:
> At 4:46 PM 8/12/96, snow wrote:
> >On Sat, 10 Aug 1996, Gary Howland wrote:
> >>       Will old fashioned engines be outlawed?
> >>       Will the "stun guns" be outlawed?
> >>       Will susceptible electronic systems become mandatory?
> >>       (and if so, why not just put a remote control switch in all cars?)
> >
> >    One word: Pacemakers.
> Not just pacemakers, but also cars losing steering control (but not forward
> speed, obviously) and thus plow into crowds. And airbags that perhaps get
> triggered in all the ruckus, breaking the necks of infants (as has
> happened).
> Think of the liablility issues! Deliberately causing a car to lose control.
> Mon Dieu!

Somehow I don't think they'll give a damn about killing passengers
and/or pedestrians (after all, they'd shoot them if they were in
range, wouldn't they?)

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