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South Florida Cypherpunks Meeting Reminder


The South Florida Cypherpunks will meet at Hops Grill & Bar
in Boynton Beach, FL on Saturday, August 17 at 2:00 PM.  As
always, our meeting place is at a microbrewery, and this one
has some very fine brews.

Jim Ray will show off his Snake Oil bottle, signed by Phil
Zimmermann, who wrote PGP.  I will also hand out copies of my
WinSock Remailer to anyone who wants to check it out.  Other than 
that, we have no agenda, other than discussing cypherpunkology 
and drinking some fine brews.


Take I-95 to Boynton Beach Blvd and go west.  When you get
to Congress Ave., turn right (north) and go one stoplight 
until you get to Old Boynton Beach Blvd.  Turn left (west)
and go behind Longhorn Steakhouse and turn right into
the parking lot behind Longhorn Steakhouse.  Hops is just
north of Longhorn on Congress Ave.

  Hops Grill & Bar
  545 N. Congress Ave.
  Boynton Beach, FL.

In addition, the Cypherpunks Brewmaster, Jim Ray, is brewing 
up a special "cypherpunks summer dark" brew for the meeting.  (I
sampled some of the brew before bottling, and BBBUUURP! it was
good.)  We will enjoy his fine beer at my house following the 
meeting.  I'll pass out maps to my house in Deerfield Beach
for anyone who wants to go.

Please send me a note if you plan to attend so that I can alert
the restaurant on how many will attend.  Send me your
key and fingerprint for keysigning if it hasn't been signed by any
cypherpunks before.


Joey Grasty
[email protected] [home -- encryption, privacy, RKBA and other hopeless causes]
[email protected] [work -- designing pagers]
"Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is,
of course, in a state of sin." -- John Von Neumann
PGP = A7 CC 31 E4 7E A3 36 13  93 F4 C9 06 89 51 F5 A7