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Re: Econopunks FAQ, Ver. 0.98

> What is a Fair Price for a good or service?
> There is no such thing as a Fair Price.  There are only the prices paid by
> willing buyers and sellers.  These are generally called market prices.  Many
> factors influence price including cost of production and product
> characteristics but the only determinants are the desire of market actors to
> complete transactions at given prices.  

A Fair Price could be construed as a price agreed upon by a willing buyer
and a willing seller WITHOUT outside interference.

The extra  $150 I have to spend to get a computer without MS Windows 95
on it so I can run Linux comes to mind ...

Checkered Daemon                              [email protected]

Delirium:  There must be a word for it ... the thing that lets you know that
           TIME is happening.  IS there a word?
Sandman:   CHANGE.
Delirium:  Oh.  I was AFRAID of that.

(My other SIG is a large, famous company whose opinions are not necessarily