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Re: Capital and Taxes

At 11:26 PM 8/14/96, Llywarch Hen wrote:

>Yep, we've adopted the fuzziest-headed of liberal ideas in promoting
>government as an agent of change to improve things for Tim and his pals by
>asking wage earners to subsidize his economic activities by distributing the
>costs to the public so he can enjoy the profits. But this is just the result

But there are no "costs" to be distributed. The government already taxed
the corporation once, at 40-50%, and even taxed the gain due solely to
devaluation to the currency (inflation), so all I am asking is that I not
be taxed again. Of course, they will likely do so anyway. So I'm saying I
probably won't sell assets I might otherwise have sold (not surprisingly,
some folks even want unsold assets taxed).

For the record, I paid a *lot* of taxes this year, much more (by a factor
of several) than I putatively received in benefits.

--Tim May

Boycott "Big Brother Inside" software!
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines, we know that that ain't allowed.
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
[email protected]  408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Licensed Ontologist         | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."