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Re: Jurisdictionless Distributed Data Havens
> Some annotations:
> 1. The easiest way to make such a distributeted data havens (DDH)
> would be to use a distributed unix file system that
> doesn't distribute files but chunks of bytes. (Striping)
Like AFS?
> Advantage:
> - All normal services would work: ftp,http,...
> - Copying, deleting and modifing files.
> - Easy to install and use.
> Problems:
> Because each side can supply all data (collecting on
> the fly from other DDHs), the site holder
> could be responsible for the data.
> This could be prevented by collecting and
> assembling data at the client side (e.g. using
> JAVA).
How many people trust clients? If we wanted clients, we would use WebStor
from Mcaffee. I don't trust any clients specific to one task, and would
rather use generic E-mail/ftp/www.
> 2. When the DDHs are distributed around the world in
> a lot of different states, it could be very
> difficult for any government to get any evidence for
> "illegal" data on one site.
In some countries, when the government jails someone, it doesn't matter
what evidence they have. Not everyone has a justice system that at least
makes an attempt to give a fair trial.