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Scientology *really* tries to crack PGP...AGAIN?!?

Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,alt.security.pgp
From: [email protected] (Grady Ward)
Subject: Criminal cult begins PGP crack attempt
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

The Special Master has informed me that Madame Kobrin has
asked her to retain a PC expert to attempt to "crack" a
series of pgp-encrypted multi-megabyte files that were
seized along with more than a compressed gigabyte of other
material from my safety deposit box.

Ironically, they phoned to ask for assistance in supplying them with
a prototype "crack" program that they could use in
iterating and permuting possibilities. I did supply them
a good core pgpcrack source that can search several
tens of thousands of possible key phrases a seconds;
I also suggested that they should at least be using a P6-200
workstation or better to make the search more efficient.

The undercurrent is that this fresh hysterical attempt to "get"
something on me coupled with the daily settlement pleas reflects
the hopelessness of the litigation position of the criminal cult.

It looks like the criminal cult has cast the die to
ensure that the RTC vs Ward case is fought out to the bitter end.
Which I modestly predict will be a devastating, humiliating defeat
for them from a pauper pro per.

I have given them a final settlement offer that they can leave
or take. Actually they have a window of opportunity now to 
drop the suit since my counterclaims have been dismissed
(although Jusge Whyte invited me to re-file a new counterclaim
motion on more legally sufficiant basis).

I think Keith and I have found a successful counter-strategy to
the cult's system of litigation harassment.

Meanwhile, I could use some help from veteran a.r.s'ers.  
I need any copy you have of the Cease and Desist letter that you
may have received last year from Eliot Abelson quondam
criminal cult attorney and Eugene Martin Ingram spokespiece.

Physical mail:

Grady Ward
3449 Martha Ct.
Arcata, CA  95521-4884

JP's BMPs or fax-images to:

[email protected]


Grady Ward

Ps. I really do need all of your help and good wishes after all.
Thanks for all of you keeping the net a safe place to insult
kook kults.

                Reverend Modemac ([email protected])
   First Online Church of "Bob"      "There is no black and white."
 PGP Key Fingerprint: 47 90 41 70 B4 5B 06 90 7B 38 4E 11 8A ED 80 DF
               URL: http://www.tiac.net/users/modemac/
      (FINGER [email protected] for a FREE SubGenius Pamphlet!)