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   8-15-96. BW: 
   "Certicom's High Efficiency Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem to 
   be applied to Motorola's Wireless products." 
      Dr. Scott Vanstone, Certicom's Chief Cryptographer, 
      added, "Certicom is currently completing an ECC software 
      toolkit." The Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem is the world's 
      most efficient public-key system, providing the highest 
      strength-per-bit of any known public-key system and 
      minimizing the requirement for large key lengths. 
   "UK Company Unveils E-Mail Encryption Software." 
      Pow! Distribution has taken the wraps off PrivaSuite, an 
      e-mail encryption package that works as a drop-in to 
      many existing e-mail applications software. It can 
      handle almost any file format, encrypting the file using 
      the DES algorithm, it can also be set up to handle fax 
      image files. The package was developed by Aliroo, an 
      Israeli software house that specializes in document 
      security products. Aliroo was founded in 1995 by 
      ex-Israeli Military Intelligence officer Itzhak 
   http://jya.com/eccpow.txt  (9 kb for 2) 