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Unix passwd-cracker online?

	Dear C'punks: (this is not Sandy, jeje)

	Just got to know from a very close friend of mine, and Unix 
administrator at  very famous university in Mexico, that more than one 
person has obtained a specific password by entering the desired 
adresses'passord on a submnit form in a Web page.

	As far as my knowledges on Unix and experience obtained from a 
couple of hackers (the 'ethic' kind, if they can be called so), this 
would imply pretty much of a piece of technical work, and probably, the 
presence of human support to get such a system working.

	Actually, i dont have the adress, and it sems to me that we'll 
never have it if there really is such, but this came to my mind when i read 
the posts  on the plate-numbers-in-Oregon polemica. I would appreciate 
any kind of opinions on this specific topic, not the ones saying> Well, 
if there's  ftp acces to /etc/passwd, and this is not shadowed, bla, bla, 
bla. I mean real opinions...

   ====         'If you can dream of it
   |  |__       then you can manage it'
   |  |-.\     
   |__|  \\         [email protected]
    ||   ||         
/____________\   Carlos L. Mariscal