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Re: Fw: Re: Free Pronto Secure Offer

On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, snow wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Black Unicorn wrote:
> > you to make their comments public.  That's called an endorsement, and, by
> > the way, people are usually paid for them.  Sometimes in the millions.
> > Think Michael Jordan is getting a deal when you use his name to promote
> > your product and then give him a $99.00 piece of software (which is
> > effectively worth the amount of time it takes to write a few kiss ass
> > paragraphs on the software, not $99.00)?
> > 
>      The time it takes M. Jordon to write a couple of paragraphs would 
> be worth at least $99.  

If MJ wanted a copy he need only tell someone else to write the
paragraphs and take the copy from that someone else.

The point is that the "prize" is worth only that which it takes to obtain
it.  In this case, a bum could write a review (his time is worth nearly
nothing in op. cost) and turn it over to whomever.

> Petro, Christopher C.
> [email protected] <prefered for any non-list stuff>
> [email protected]

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