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Re: Why BlackNet *IS* a Data Haven

[email protected] (Timothy C. May) writes:
>An article on the cover of "Information Week" last summer triggered new
>interest, and a couple of new messages addressed to "BlackNet"--the ones I
>tried to read apparently used a spoofed key, or the one Dettweiler created
>and placed ahead of mine on the MIT keyserver (the shorter key that the MIT
>group was able to eventually break).

For the record, the four of us who broke the 384-bit BlackNet key weren't
from MIT:  Paul Leyland (Oxford), Arjen Lenstra (Bellcore), Alec Muffet
(Sun-UK), and Jim Gillogly (RAND).

	Jim Gillogly
	27 Wedmath S.R. 1996, 18:56