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Re: [NOISE] Naked woman decrapitates man on Internet!!!

Timothy C. May wrote:
> At 10:30 PM 8/19/96, Ross Wright wrote:
> >Sick, stuff.  Yet everyone has to sneek a peek, just like a car
> >crash.  Hey, I did.  I made the whole trip through the lurid pages.
> >
> Seven billion (thousand million for you Brits) people in the world. More
> than 10,000 deaths every hour, or about 5 deaths per second.

Oh please - show me a Brit who can remember a billion as a million
million, and I'll show you a Brit who remembers pounds, shillings and


(PS - I think I've figured out how to change "Trash" to "Rubbish" with
Netscape, just in case anyone's interested).
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