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Re: PreRFD: comp.org.cypherpunks

! No and HELL no.
! I find that this list gets enough crap as it is, and gatewaying it to
! a generally available Usenet group would just add to the noise level.
! Now, if you want to gateway it to a local group because you

I've never mentioned gatewaying, I'm only for that with moderated 
mailing lists, unlike cypherpunks .

! like your newsreader better than your email reader, 
! be my guest.

Not personally relevent, my favorite newsreader can be used for e-mail, but 
it's clumsy for that function.

! > Subject: PreRFD: comp.org.cypherpunks
! > 
! > The Subject: line says it all.
! > 
! > My suggestion number one:
! > 
! > No moderation.

My suggestion number two:

No gateway.  The list and newsgroup stays seperated.

Skip, OBC