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Re: PreRFD: comp.org.cypherpunks

! Jim McCoy wrote:
! > [email protected] (Skip) writes:
! > > My suggestion number #1:
! > > No moderation.
! > 
! > Suggestion 1 on how to diminish the feeble S/N ratio on cypherpunks:
! > 
! >         make it a newsgroup
! > Suggestion 2:
! >         make it an unmoderated newsgroup
! How about making it a robomoderated newsgroup with only one enforced
! rule, forbidding any crossposting?

If moderation, then why not moderator(s) who simply send out cancel 
messages to everthing that is crossposted?  Traditional moderated 
newsgroups are technically inferior because all posts go through netnews 
chokepoints and then depends on the moderator(s) who's inevitable 
position has been the irresponsible one of keeping the position long 
after they lose interest with the high volumes.  Even if their was such
a person, there is still are chokepoint problem which is stupid to  
engage in.

In any case, creation of comp.org.cypherpunks in no way means gatewaying 
or shutting down [email protected] .

Skip, OBC