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[Noise] RE: Canada Imprisons People For Human Rights Acti...

Subject: [Noise] RE: Canada Imprisons People For Human Rights Activity

[email protected] wrote:
! Nota: Quebec recently held a referendum on seperation from Canada.
! Just talk about secession of a state in the U.S., and you'll quickly see 
! which country makes political ideas illegal.

[email protected] (Skip, OBC)
>Exactly, we have freedom of speech alright, everone in the world does, 
>we're allowed to say "we don't believe you should remain in power," but 
>try to say, and mean, "we're going to try to take your power from you for 
>ourselves," and your group will very quickly find out the length of your 
>chains, the extent of our so called freedom.

Actually, my comment was exactly the opposite. You may not be aware of what goes
on with your neighbour to the north, but the province of Quebec currently has a
government whose stated intention is independence from Canada. 

The recent public referendum for a mandate to seceed was defeated by a very
small margin: 51% to 49% with 95% voter turnout.

"Her majesty's loyal opposition" in the parliament (the Bloq Quebecois) has the
same raison d'etre - Independence of Quebec from Canada.

I do not believe that freedom of speech in the U.S.A. extends to actively
agitating for secession or the overthrow of the federal government.
