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WinSock Remailer Update


I've done some additional testing of the WinSock Remailer
with Windows 95.  In short, the remailer does not decrypt
messages properly in Windows 95.  Therefore, it should 
not be used with that operating system.  If you sent messages
this evening, then some or all of these may have been lost
during testing with Win95.

I suspect that the same problems would be present with
Windows NT, and indeed, one user reports a similar problem.

Don't expect a fix for 95 or NT soon, as I'm a relative
neophyte with these operating systems.  In fact, I just
installed Win95* yesterday.  So, please be patient.

I will have another alpha release of the remailer next
week.  Please stay tuned.

As always, my homepage is:


* What possessed M$ into turning Windows 95 into a Macintosh 
like interface, I'll never know... (Yes, I have been hiding
under a rock for the past two years, why do you ask?)


Joey Grasty
[email protected] [home -- encryption, privacy, RKBA and other hopeless causes]
[email protected] [work -- designing pagers]
"Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is,
of course, in a state of sin." -- John Von Neumann
PGP = A7 CC 31 E4 7E A3 36 13  93 F4 C9 06 89 51 F5 A7