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Well, with all the other noise in the list lately, I'll add a little of
my own. I woke up today to find my mailbox filled with 20 messages from a
'careernetonline.com' offering to spread my resume across the net for $60.
It was one of those terrorist spams where they apologize for wasting your
time and tell you that you can stop getting spammed by replying to the
message. Well, I really hate giving in to terrorists, no matter what form
they take. And I'm sick and tired of spam.
So, I'm starting a project called SpamBot. You feed it a message and a
list of addresses and the bot send the message to those addresses until
they reply with an appropriate message indicating that they are at least
looking into the problem.
Some people may say that this is sinking to their level. So it is, but I
think its time that system administrators realized that there are people
who don't appreciate being the target for shotgun marketing schemes (none
of which have been of any use to me).
Watch my webpage for more info on this helpful little bot.
------- <[email protected]> -------------------- <http://www.aa.net/~blane> -------
"Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice" - B. Goldwater
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