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MUD anyone?

Would anyone out there be interested in helping set up a 
crypto-anarcho-capitalist MUD to play around with some of the social 
aspects of crypto-anarchy and anarcho-capitalism? I can probably hack 
together a basic lpmud in a month or two if someone has a machine which 
it could run on and which could run a mailing list for those involved. 

On the software front, there's a demo of version 0.86 of Privtool on
utopia.hacktic.nl in /pub/replay/pub/PGP/unix (or something like that),
and my mailbot is also on there somewhere. Amongst other things that
allows you to remotely maintain Web pages by sending PGP-signed email
(actually, PGP-encrypted would probably also work if you don't mind
leaving a secret key on the system with no passphrase). Doesn't yet
protect against replay attacks and there are a few known bugs but it's 
only an Alpha. If anyone wants to use it for real I can mail you a patch 
for the worst problems.

Finally, does anyone outside the US have the last few months of the list
available for ftp? I'd like to catch up on what I've missed since I
unsubscribed and using the Web archive is far too slow and expensive.

Please send replies to me directly as I'm travelling and consequently off 
the list. Looks like I'll be on a mad bus trip round New Zealand for most 
of next month so Net access will be erratic.


|Reverend Mark Grant M.A., U.L.C.	       EMAIL: [email protected]  |
|WWW: http://www.c2.org/~mark	  	       MAILBOT: [email protected]	|
|Approximate Current Location: Melbourne, Australia			|