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JOHN E. HOLT wrote:
> The Pouch uses a 64 x 64 block product cipher, a 1024 bit random initialization
> vector and the CBC technique. Most experts agree that such an implementation
> is highly resistant to all forms of cryptographic attack.
Wow! Resistant to those not invented yet - I guess this means one of
two things - the pooch is a OTP, or Mr. Holt has a time machine.
> Hellman and Dilfie rely on knowing the algorithm for their known plain text attacks
> An unpublished algorithm forces them into reverse engineering the computer
> programs to learn the algorithm. The POUCH has many roadblocks built in
> to prevent this.
Wow! (again). Dongleless protection! I'm impressed. Now we don't need
tamper resistant smart cards - we can do it all in software!
pub 1024/C001D00D 1996/01/22 Gary Howland <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 0C FB 60 61 4D 3B 24 7D 1C 89 1D BE 1F EE 09 06
^A^Aoft FAT filesytem is extremely robust, ^Mrarely suffering from^T^T