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Re: (NOISE) Re: Free Pronto Secure Offer


To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Tue Aug 27 17:33:42 1996
> So would I, however, the assumption that "cypherpunk crypto review
> services" are to be had for nothing is the height of arrogance.

They've already got a lot of us reviewing it... sorry, it's not arrogance 
- -- they were right.

> If you were sincere, you'd thank them with cash.  Afterall, you seem
> to suggest that you have a good deal of liquidity eh?

Actually, they lose $99 each time they give us a free copy of the software 
... in case you're not as good in accounting as you think you are in 
crypto.  I have no idea what your rep. is ... but I know one thing, they're 
offering an exchange of valuable software (market value: $99) for valuable 
services (crypto-rebel review)

> Uh, the kiss ass paragraphs were the reviewers comments, not your code.

I aggreed with the reviewers comments, they're mine too ... I've sent many 
long E-mails to people I do computer service for endorsing Pronto Secure.  
I have lined up 6 people who wish to purchase it.  This is for real pal.  
If you don't like it, get out of the ring.  Some of us want our PGP to be 
nice and easy like E-mail used to be.
Message Copyright 1996, Michael T. Babcock

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Comment: http://www.cyberbeach.net/~mbabcock/PGP/
