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Threat to Australian internet WAS Re: USPS
On Mon, 26 Aug 1996, Bruce M. wrote:
If u think this is a worry, u should take a look at what the government
owned monoploly telco here in Australia is doing..
On Mon, 26 Aug 1996, Bruce M. wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Aug 1996,
William H. Geiger III wrote: >
> > Once in place all the goverment needs to do is ban all e-mail not sent
> > through their system. Add this to the outlawing of all non-keyescrowed
> > encryption, and the ability to archive all messages sent through their
> > system. Now the goverment would have total access to everything you
> > wright.
> Why not? I believe it is already illegal to place anything in a
> person's physical mail box that the post office hasn't processed. For
> the sake of preserving the 'integrity and security' of the Internet I
> can see the govt. taking such future actions.
Or 'they' can use our Telco (Tel$tra) 's approach and introduce
_timecharged_ local data calls as it is trying to do here in Australia.
What better or easier way to destroy our meagre outlet for free speech
than to cost it out of existance.
See Stewart Fist's excellent article on the subject currently available
on "The Australian" newspapers site:
<A HREF="http://www.australian.aust.com/computer/columns/fistcom.htm">
See also draft legislation at
<A HREF="http://www.dca.gov.au/govtpol.html">
and Universal Telco Service Obligations at
<A HREF="http://www.dca.gov.au/"> (many references)
They took our firearms last month..they're comin back for the net this month.
.////. .// Charles Senescall [email protected]
o:::::::::/// Fuck TEL$TRA
>::::::::::\\\ Finger me for PGP PUBKEY Brisbane AUSTRALIA
'\\\\\' \\ http://quux.apana.org.au/~apache/
DO something for your country: Butt slap a politician this xmas