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Re: Hayek (was: Cato Institute conference on Net-regulation)
! Senile [email protected] (Timothy C. May) (fart) rants:
! > At 4:26 AM 8/28/96, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
! > >Senile [email protected] (Timothy C. May) rants:
! > >> Indeed, Hayek has had a _lot_ to do with the Cypherpunks! From "The Road t
! > >> Serfdom" to "Law, Legislation, and Liberty," his works have exerted a
! > >> profound influence on me, and on many others.
! > >
! > >But he's fucking unreadable. I plan to teach economic this semester and
! > >make every student read Hazlitt (economics in 1 lesson). I can't force them
! > >to read hayek (or Rothbard) because they're fucking unreadable. Shit.
! >
! > Well, to one who inserts "(spit)" after nearly every name he cites, and
! > critiques Hayek as "fucking unreadable. Shit.," I suppose Hayek must indeed
! > seem unreadable. Shit.
! Are you jealous, Tim )fart)? You're just a senile old fart, not worth my
! spittle. I make you feel better I'll put (fart) after you stupid name. Shit.
! > After all, Hayek rarely writes things like: "The senile Von Mises (spit)
! > and his Sovok Cabal plotters...."
! Senile Tim May (fart) exposes himself as a liar by attributing to me shit
! I've never said (Pidor Vorobiev's forgeries). Please stop polluting this
! mailing list with your lies and personal attacks.
! > As to "forcing" your students to read Hayek, just who is in charge? If
! > you're the instructor, they can choose to read what you tell them to read,
! > or be unprepared on the exams you give and possibly flunk the class. What
! > part of "Required Reading" do you or your students not understand?
! It's been many years since Tim May (spit) has been to college, hasn't it?
! I don't blackmail my students into doing the work they don't want to do
! by blackmailing them with grades. When I taught comp.sec., I said from the
! start that everyone gets an A, and I trust tgen to be motivated enough to
! read everything I _suggest_ they read. And they all did a great job and
! earn3d their A's.
! Senile Tim May (fart) is a fucking statist asshole.
! Fuck you and fuck your criminal Arm*nian grandparents.
! ---
! <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM</a>
! Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps