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Re: Intel to rule the basic crypto engine market?

At 03:56 AM 8/24/96 -0500, William H. Geiger III wrote:

>Intresting but..., In the era of ITAR, GAK, Key Escrows,Clipper,& FileGate 
>do we really want to put all our eggs in one basket? And that basket being 
>based on hardware? IMHO I don't see Intell standing up to the government any 
>more than Netscape, Mircosoft, IBM, or Lotus has. I have serious doubts that 
>our "beloved" goverment will alow any standard to be adopted that does not 
>allow them access whenever they please. I personally do not run any security 
>code on my machines that I do not have the
>source for & have instpected.

The one kind of standardization in the crypto market that we truly need, 
NOW, is a standard format/protocol so that crypto telephones from all 
manufacturers can talk to each other.  The last thing we need is a 
tower-of-Babel situation, which would be even worse than the VHS/Beta wars 
of 20-10 years ago.

Jim Bell
[email protected]