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Re: Penet Bites the Dust

At 12:13 PM 8/30/96 -0700, Mike Duvos wrote:
> An interesting Net tidbit.  Note that the "International Conference
> on Child Sexual Exploitation" in Stolkholm which served as a platform
> for these accusations and various coordinated stories in numerous
> media outlets is simply a circus put on by ECPAT, a well-known
> pressure group whose propaganda is modeled after the now-defunct 
> National Coalition on Pornography, and whose spurious and laughable
> claims about child pornography and vast pedophile conspiracies would fill 
> volumes.  The only odd thing here is that the mainstream press is
> presenting this gathering with a perfectly straight face, as if it were
> some sort of credible event, which of course it is not. 

Nothing odd about it.

Everytime a new medium appears, the old media run to the 
politicians to have it controlled and regulated to death.
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and our property, because of the kind	|  
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derives from this right, not from the	|  
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