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Re: BoS: Got to be kidding right?
On Sat, 31 Aug 1996, pomp pood thai wrote:
People, I don't particularily agree with this posting, and I already emailed
the original poster with my thoughts on that subject. Now, before you reply
to this post, please read the charter. BoS is supposed to be the *BEST* of
understood that I when I subscribe and I have tried to limit any posting
to strictly security issues, and only those important and not ones starting
threads of conversation. Read the charter! (Who's in charge of this
group anyways?? Hope I'm not stepping on toes!)
> At 06:54 PM 8/31/96 EDT, patrick b cummings wrote:
> >I am planning to make a list of hacker's of america and would appreciate
> >it for your help. please send me your
> > handle
> > e-mail address
> > city, state
> > (optional) your mailing address
> > and url
> > whether or not you would like to recieve hackers list
> > type of hacking you do
> >Thank You for your cooperation
Michael Douglass
Texas Networking, Inc.
"To be a saint is to be an exception; to be a true man is the rule.
Err, fail, sin if you must, but be upright. To sin as little as
possible is the law for men; to sin not at all is a dream for angels."
- Victor Hugo, "Les Miserables"