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Re: Bob Dole on Drugs
The Post also noted -- and this was buried inside in a short article --
that Clinton had stepped up his attacks on drugs during his acceptance
speech, which I intentionally missed.
On Sun, 1 Sep 1996 ichudov@algebra.com wrote:
> http://allpolitics.com/news/9608/31/radio.addresses/
> ... snip ...
> Dole, who returned to Washington for Labor Day
> weekend, also pledged to use the White House as a
> bully pulpit to promote the "moral message"
> against drugs and to criticize what he called the
> entertainment industry's glamorization of drug use.
> On Sunday, he is to address the convention of the
> National Guard Association of the United States
> during which he's expected to propose that the
> military be enlisted to assist in a renewed war on
> drugs.
// declan@eff.org // I do not represent the EFF // declan@well.com //