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RE: Sharp knives
On Mon, 2 Sep 1996, Asgaard wrote:
> "James A. Donald" <jamesd@echeque.com>, writes:
> >I heard on talk.politics.guns somebody say that in Sweden they
> >had banned knives with a sharp point at the end, and were going
> >to ban sharp knives altogether. I think he was just engaging in
> >hyperbole, that he really meant that gun control in Sweden was
> >unreasonably strict, but on reflection I am not sure.
> There is a law in Sweden, some 5 years old, against carrying
> 'dangerous devices' (hunting knives, Ninja stars etc) in 'public
> places' (unless you are a carpenter, electrician or some such
> going about your business). It's okay to carry a knife when
> going fishing/hunting or sitting on your terrace carving totem poles.
> It's only a misdemeanour and might be punished with a fine,
> but usually the cops just use the law to disarmour street gangs
> on the spot. The effects of the law are dubious. Knives have come
> into fashion among teenagers after this legislation (but not as
> a consequence of it, I think).
This mirrors D.C.'s concealed weapon law.
A screwdriver is a weapon if you are carrying it for that purpose (i.e. if
the cop thinks he wants to arrest you) but a tool if you are carrying it
for that purpose (i.e., if you are wearing an expensive suit and look
> Asgaard
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