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Re: Encourage Singapore To Come Out Of the Stone Age
Ah yes, why don't we just destroy ALL culture, our way is ALWAYS better
ISN'T it? And those rainforest schmucks, what do THEY know... Screw
those Africans who live simple lives, and fuck all the people who have
dinner at 9 pm too while we're at it.
Let's just all assimilate and live happily ever after.
In the meantime, I'm trying to colonize a new planet.
:: while :
echo 'you will be assimilated'\n
PS: In case you didn't figure this out, I am VERY against people telling
other people how to live. "Sure it's okay if you want your freedom, as
long as you live like us..." -- some list on privacy guys. Next,
everyone will have to wear the same underwear sizes and speak the same
language (hint: ENglish is NOT the most spoken language in the world.)