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FWD: remote help

This has the potential to be very useful.  I do hope, however, that there are
some safeguards against hackers.  Just a "Allow access?" dialog would be a
large deterrent.

==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
>Date:         Mon, 9 Sep 1996 13:30:10 -0700
>Reply-To:     OS/2 Users Discussion List <OS2USERS@VM1.MCGILL.CA>
>Sender:       OS/2 Users Discussion List <OS2USERS@VM1.MCGILL.CA>
>From:         James Ssemakula <JAMES@UCRAC1.UCR.EDU>
>Subject:      FWD: remote help
>X-To:         os2-l@hearn.nic.surfnet.nl, os2users@vm1.mcgill.ca
>To:           Multiple recipients of list OS2USERS <OS2USERS@VM1.MCGILL.CA>

To: "os2news" <os2news@teamos2.org>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 96 12:49:35 -0500
Reply-To: "Terry Hamilton" <tch@ibm.net>
Subject: OS2News: Remote Support Tool Featured In Merlin


WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, September 3, 1996 ---  International Software
Solutions has announced that an IBM-only version of their product, Remote
Services Management(TM) (R.S.M.) will be included in OS/2 Warp Version 4
(code-named Merlin).  This innovative tool, called IBM Remote Support for
OS/2, allows IBM service representatives to help users directly over the
phone, much as an on-site Help Desk would.  With the permission of the OS/2
user, a remote IBM service representative can now dial into the user's system,
take control of the keyboard and screen, conduct training, run programs, edit
files and, if necessary, reboot.

IBM Remote Support for OS/2 is a functional subset of R.S.M., which was chosen
by IBM from among several remote control tools. R.S.M. is a full function
product allowing network support and administrative people to take control of
client workstations.  For the general user community, R.S.M. is used for help
desk support, software installation and updating, training, and full access to
an office computer from a remote laptop.  Through an integrated Programming
Script Language, R.S.M. can even be used to build complex LAN and WAN
Management applications. R.S.M. was formerly known as PolyPM/2.

According to Tim Guptill, Senior Vice President of International Software
Solutions, USA, "We at I.S.S. are proud that we have been selected to provide
IBM Remote Support for OS/2 for inclusion in the IBM Assistance Center - OS/2
Warp Version 4.  Now, IBM Technical Support can directly access and control
customer machines to perform Help Desk and diagnostic functions.  This is a
revolutionary step in providing a level of customer support as yet unavailable
in the general software market".

For more information on Remote Services Management, contact I.S.S. at their
toll-free number (888) ISS-2-YOU, GO ISSLP on CompuServe (e-mail 104127,1754),
or on the Web at http://www.iss2you.com.

    -0-                             9/04/96
    /CONTACT: Press: Christopher C. Canning, 888-ISS-2-YOU or 407-820-0802,
ext. 210 or Fax: 407-820-0804 or CompuServe: 104127,1754/

===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================

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